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Finding success and a professional home

Ama Frimpong's career has always been on a journey to success, 从创新和设计新产品到赢得2022年IET年度年轻女工程师奖, 但现在阿玛正试图用她的技能来帮助别人和分享知识.

Ama currently works as Head of Product Development for 52 North Health Ltd, 该组织致力于创造经济实惠的尖端技术,使医疗保健更贴近患者.

No two days are the same for Ama as she balances design work, analysing data and testing products, all whilst maintaining relationships with her colleagues and networks.

However, Ama的STEM之旅始于童年时期,她的兴趣很快变成了一种激情,并将她带入了多样化和有益的职业生涯.

“当我还是个孩子的时候,我总是喜欢做东西,喜欢玩那些需要很多建造的玩具, putting together and constructing, 但实际上是我父亲激发了我对工程的兴趣,因为我们会一起修理洗衣机, fix microwaves and fix the car. 在六年级的时候,我也因为是唯一一个能够换轮胎的人而获得了很多街头的信任,所以我被要求做了几次!”

起初,阿玛打算成为一名医生,但有一次她偶然发现了医学工程, 她意识到,她对医学的热爱可以与她的创新能力相结合,并将想法变为现实.

Starting a journey and finding her feet

她专注于自己想要做的事情,并具有天生的发展能力, 阿玛决定在诺丁汉大学学习生物医学材料科学, followed by an MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Surrey.


“I did quite a few internships working in genetics labs, working on laparoscopic development, device development and working in some research.”

Whilst completing her PhD at the University of Leeds, Ama意识到,她希望能够专注于产品开发,并提高自己作为多学科工程师的技能, deciding that moving into consulting would be the best option.


虽然找到她的第一份咨询工作并不像她希望的那样简单,但找到申请的地方证明是一个挑战. Ama在IET的年轻新萄新京十大正规网站人士社区的帮助下找到了答案,在那里她遇到了来自弗雷泽-纳什和奥雅纳的人,他们能够解释更多关于咨询世界的事情,并给Ama一个明确的应用方向.

Helping others

After spending some time working in consulting, 阿玛决定专注于将产品推向市场,并加入了52 North Health,她一直在那里工作到今天. Ama的角色使她能够直接从事那些她知道会改善人们生活的产品.

“我们正在开发一种名为Neutrocheck的产品,为接受化疗和免疫抑制治疗的人提供一种设备,帮助识别他们患上危及生命的中性粒细胞减少性败血症的风险. 我的大部分时间都花在医学工程上,因为我的爱和激情在于医疗保健.”


“I volunteer my time with organisations that are working to better others, whether it’s people from ethnic minorities like myself, or just for young people from all walks of life. I also mentor a lot of people, both formally and informally, 帮助人们在职业选择和职业相关的问题和答案中导航.”

Joining the IET

决定加入哪个新萄新京十大正规网站的工程机构可能是一个艰难的决定, especially for someone with such a broad skillset as Ama. 然而,最终是人们让她决定IET是她的新萄新京十大正规网站之家.

“I applied for membership because of the networking, 我知道,要想成功,我希望身边的人都有类似的经历或轨迹. 我也想参加活动和研讨会,以及能够申请特许经营权.”

Alongside networking with other IET members, 这也是信息和知识的获取,使Ama受益于成为IET成员.

“这里不缺乏信息,有很多图书馆、开放获取区和期刊,我在日常工作中都会用到这些. If I’m exploring a new area or field that I’m not familiar with, there’s likely to be information somewhere in the libraries or on I also read my E+T magazine, 它给了我关于工程世界中经常发生的事情的信息.”

Despite an exciting and successful career, 阿玛仍然面临着挑战,有了IET的支持,她的生活就变得不一样了.

“我的IET新萄新京十大正规网站资格帮助我克服了我的角色和职业中的挑战,并给了我这个新的新萄新京十大正规网站家庭,在这里我可以接触到人们并提出问题. 这真的是非常宝贵的,因为旅途中可能会有不同的孤独,能够有一个可以联系的网络真的很有帮助. I’ve also been able to just learn from their experience as well.”

Now she has a career and institution that both feel like home, 阿玛计划继续她的使命,开发新产品,造福他人,预防危及生命的疾病.